Too hunky toys: prosthetics for dolls
Dear Diary, It's so exciting to live in this time when our consciousness is expanding beyond what those in charge tell us is what is good, right and normal. For too long in the doll world, the norm has been girls playing with perfect dolls, whether baby dolls, girl dolls or fashion dolls. Even the boy dolls, like Ken and GI Joe, came with the same societal expectations, demonstrated in the perfect skin colour, body type, age and style. Could any child live up to what was demanded? And, of course, the demands put into everyone's head had once goal: to subconsciously encourage massive consumerism (fashion, diets, gyms, etc). Thankfully, now we are moving beyond this brainwashing and one of the signs of the progressive times are the dolls which have prosthetics. Mattel has issued Barbies with wheelchairs and also artificial legs. Reality, folks! Why shouldn't people with physical challenges play with dolls which mirror their own reality? The YouTuber, Jason Howle...